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Red Jasper Gemstone Dice Set

$49.00 USD $149.99 USD Save $100.99 USD
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A complete set of 7 full-sized polyhedral dice, carefully hand-made from red jasper. Each die is individually cut, then polished, and engraved with shiny gold numbers.

Created from jasper, which is a kind of quartz, these exquisite dice have a rich, red color which suggests strength, courage, and stamina.

Key features:

- Hand-crafted from natural red jasper
- Includes all seven dice you know and love from your favorite role-playing games, like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, or Call of Cthulhu
- Full-sized (16mm), just like the regular polyhedral dice you know and love

We recommend rolling any gemstone or metal dice on a dice tray in order to make your new favorite dice—and your furniture—last longer.

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